I’d like to welcome my readers (all 2 of them?) from my other blog, Do Not Feed The Squid! “DNFTS” was a great idea (and still is, so I’ve put it in the tagline above!) but I do not have time to keep up two blogs. Also, the idea behind “Do NOT Feed The Squid”, that we’re going to have to take personal actions to stop the large financial corporations from continuing to abuse the legal system and destroy the public trust, is no longer as politically radical as it used to be. It’s no longer a distraction from the “Ethical Investing” and “Sustainable Gains” themes here. In fact, it’s pretty clear that investors in the mortgage lending apparatus have failed to invest ethically and are discovering that their fraudulent gains are not sustainable. (Whether they continue to succeed in ripping off the taxpayers, only time will tell… but hopefully the public will not put up with this any longer!)
The 6 posts from “Do NOT Feed the Squid” have been moved over here verbatim, without any updates to their timestamps.
For those who may not have reviewed the “Do NOT Feed The Squid” site, here’s a list of the 6 posts in, reverse chronological order:
Post-Squid Investing Attitude Shift
Squid-Free Investing (small victories)
Preventing the Next Crisis? Automatic Stabilizers?
Restoring the Federal “Reserve”